10/23/11 22:10
Boyko Borissov: Now, GERB's responsibility becomes double

From now on, the responsibility to be borne by the GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) party becomes double, stated the Prime Minister Boyko Borissov who cast his vote at 18.56 in the town of Bankya after arriving directly from Brussels. "It is evident from the election results that this was an indisputable ballot in favour of our GERB party. In fact, our presidential nominee has a convincing lead over the rest of the candidates," said also the PM.
"There is no joy and euphoria," said Borissov, adding that he had been informed of a huge election turnout. "It is an indisputable fact that GERB's achievements over these two years were highly appreciated by the Bulgarian electorate today," said Borissov.
"Bulgarians voted for their EU development, for the adoption of reforms, fiscal discipline and infrastructure projects, as well as for the existence of a transparent government," stated Borissov.
The Prime Minister also addressed those who demanded a no-confidence vote in Parliament. "I think that now they understand what favour I have done them and they have become aware of my commitment to the Bulgarian people and the country when I refused to hold preliminary elections today. Because if I had staged a 3-in-1 election ballot, what would have the final results been? In fact, that would mean the beginning of a political crisis, for months on end Bulgaria would have had no acting government and, meanwhile, there would have been no absorption of EU funds, as well as no effective construction," reckoned Borissov.
"I voted with a positive feeling and with strong motivation on my mind. I know what Bulgaria needs in order to be a worthy member of the EU and the world, thus taking the maximum advantage of the EU rules of European solidarity," said the presidential candidate nominated by GERB, Rosen Plevneliev.
"I voted for a united Bulgaria, for the existence of causes and for our country to advance forward. I voted for the young people who turn 18 today to remain in Bulgaria, which is a modern and democratic EU country, in order to make them proud of being Bulgarians citizens living in Bulgaria," said the presidential candidate of BSP (Bulgarian Socialist Party), Ivaylo Kalfin.
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Публикувана на 10/23/11 22:10 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/184618_Boyko+Borissov%3A+Now%2C+GERB%27s+responsibility+becomes+double+
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