03/15/12 19:30
Boyko Borissov: Parliament to impose a moratorium on ACTA

According to the minutes of the Council of Ministers meeting on Tuesday, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov will ask the Bulgarian Parliament to take a definite stand on the matter as well. "My suggestion to our parliamentary group is to promote the imposition of a ban or a moratorium on the agreement, in order to avoid any ratifying on our part, in line with the commitments assumed," said Borissov. "There is no power, which can push me to make a political decision in favour of ACTA, in its part concerning the Internet.”
"I beg your pardon, I was not able to evaluate the text in dept, but any possibility of signing the agreement is excluded," said the Prime Minister further.
According to him, however, regarding the fight against counterfeiting, the quality of the Bulgarian legislation and the real actions taken against these phenomena could serve as an example even in Europe. “I cannot say that Bulgaria is against the fight against counterfeiting - this is absurd,” said the Prime Minister. He explained that, in fact, he was misled to sign the controversial document. “The phrase 'anti-counterfeiting' in the title was the most confusing issue, and I signed automatically. The first sentence – “combating counterfeiting” – and I signed immediately. And this is the way the document was passed in so many countries, " Borissov explained.
In this sense, the Government supports ACTA, in its part concerning the fight against counterfeiting, but it rejects the provisions, concerning the control of the Internet, and this should be perfectly clear to Bulgaria’s partners in the EU.
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Публикувана на 03/15/12 19:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/198471_Boyko+Borissov%3A+Parliament+to+impose+a+moratorium+on+ACTA
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