04/02/12 19:12
Four members of the Impudents gang sentenced to a total of 69 years in prison

The magistrates acknowledged as proven the kidnapping of Iliyan Tzanev, Mehmed Chakar, Mihail Kraus, Giorgio Markov, Venislav Velichkov, Angel Bonchev and his wife Kamelia, Georgi Georgiev (nicknamed the Cigar), Vassil Manikatov, Kiro Kirov, Borislav Atanasov and the attempted abduction of Borislav Dinev. The kidnapping of Rumen Guninski Jr. alone remained unproven. According to the Court, the only evidence for it was the testimony of Lyubomir Dimitrov but he withdrew it subsequently.
The brothers Dimitar and Radoslav Lebeshkovski were acquitted on charges of being members of the gang but received suspended sentences for illegal possession of weapons and ammunition.
The last two of the defendants - Pavel Petkov-Pavkata and Tsvetozar Slavchev-Tsuro - were fully acquitted. A ninth accused, Kiril Kirilov (nicknamed the Cupboard) was shot dead outside his home in the Mladost 3 residential complex in Sofia a week before the end of the trial.
It became clear from the ruling of the magistrates that Valentin Mihaylov and Naiden Nedev were also involved in the kidnappings. However, the two are protected witnesses in the trial. The other two gang members were Ivan Painavelov-Sapata, whose corpse was found in 2009 near Sofia and the recently killed Kiril Kirilov-the Cupboard.
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Публикувана на 04/02/12 19:12 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/200201_Four+members+of+the+Impudents+gang+sentenced+to+a+total+of+69+years+in+prison
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