08/22/12 18:16
Some 68,000 Bulgarian citizens to be fined for invalid IDs

While the number of ID cards for Bulgarian citizens issued from police departments in the country is diminishing, the number of documents requested by Bulgarians abroad remains stable and is expected to grow, according to Kostadinova.
Two and a half times more IDs have been issued, compared to passports, even though the cost of the express order is almost the same.
Out of the 4,195,000 ID applications, 3,524,000 were submitted as a regular order, 538,000 as a fast order and 55,000 – as an express order. With passports, the figures are respectively 1,110,000 for the cheapest service, 399,000 for the fast one and 49,383 for the shortest procedure out of a total of 1,658,000.
Maria Kostadinova reminded that the first ever ID must be issued at the age of 14. For people between the age of 14 and 16 the service is free of charge, but parents who have not filed for the ID within a month of their child's birthday are subject to penalties.
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Публикувана на 08/22/12 18:16 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/210796_Some+68%2C000+Bulgarian+citizens+to+be+fined+for+invalid+IDs+
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