12/09/12 17:25
The predominant part of Bulgarians are aware of age discrimination
As a whole, EU citizens are of the opinion that discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin is the most common type of prejudice in their home country. A total of 56% of participants in the survey, covering all of the block's member-states, said that ethnic origin is the most likely reason for discriminatory attitudes or behaviour. Sexual preference and the presence of some kind of physical injury and/or disability are the second most common source of negative bias according to Europeans. Some 45% of respondents said that there are quite a few cases of discrimination and human rights abuse affecting people over the age of 55 in their own countries.
Bulgarians differ from the average public opinion in Europe. While Europeans as a whole assess age discrimination to be the fourth most common reason for a biased attitude, it is the dominant type of discrimination in Bulgaria. Among all EU members, the country ranks 7th as a share of the population that sees age discrimination as a wide-spread phenomenon. Although officially they enjoy the same rights as their compatriots, it is public knowledge that Bulgarians over the age of 55 find it difficult to get a job because of their age.
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Публикувана на 12/09/12 17:25 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/218189_The+predominant+part+of+Bulgarians+are+aware+of+age+discrimination+
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