01/31/13 16:44
GERB seeks a compromise version of the Election Code

The dialogue was renewed after BSP and MRF decided to refer the matter to the EU, and, last week, the Government and opposition met separately with ambassadors of EU countries.
In December 2012, BSP, MRF, the Blue Coalition and Ataka's parliamentary groups boycotted the adoption of the amendments to the Election Code, which, according to them, do not ensure fair elections. GERB said that they will not take part in "bargaining" and Chairwoman of the Legal Committee Iskra Fidosova (GERB) even threatened that they would boycott as well and the parliamentary elections in July will be held under the current law.
"We are seeking a convergence of positions, as well as a return of the Election Code to the Plenary Hall," said Iskra Fidosova on Thursday after the one-hour meeting with the parliamentary group of the Blue Coalition. Talks with other parties will be held soon, and the legal committee's meeting of Thursday afternoon will discuss the additional report on the Election Code and each party will declare their position.
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Публикувана на 01/31/13 16:44 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/223068_GERB+seeks+a+compromise+version+of+the+Election+Code
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