02/11/13 17:34
GERB buys off sentenced pilot's freedom for €80,000

After certain steps are taken, GERB will be partially, if not fully, reimbursed. "GERB's parliamentary group also took an active role in this initiative, donating money to the open accounts in Stoimenov's name. We expect other organisations and institutions to offer their help," Paunov said.
Yanko Stoimenov has expressed his concern that despite the efforts of the Federation of Transport Trade Unions in Bulgaria, which started the fund raising initiative, he won't be able to pay the penalty before the deadline expires on February 14.
I hope that Yanko Stoimenov's case will eventually trigger legislative initiatives aimed at changing the European laws so that they serve the interests of passengers and citizens more and less so those of businesses, thus improving civil aviation safety, Ekaterina Yordanova, Chairperson of the Federation of Transport Trade Unions in Bulgaria said at a press conference.
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Публикувана на 02/11/13 17:34 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224032_GERB+buys+off+sentenced+pilot%27s+freedom+for+%E2%82%AC80%2C000
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