02/18/13 15:32
NRA and the Prosecutor's Office start inspections of the property status of Angel Semerdzhiev
The National Revenue Agency (NRA), together with the Sofia City Prosecutor's Office, will start inspections of the property status of former Chairman of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) Angel Semerdzhiev.Agency auditors will check whether Semerdzhiev's owned property corresponds to the incomes he has declared officially.
The inspection will also include family members, as well as close companies. The results will be sent to the Sofia City Prosecutor's Office.
Meanwhile, on Monday morning, TV7 broadcast a reportage, according to which Angel Semerdzhiev, who headed SEWRC until recently, turned out to be one of the richest state employees. Thanks to his salary alone, he managed to save BGN 240,000, and, apart from the money in his bank accounts, he also acquired a villa and a maisonette on the beach and a luxury Lexus car. According to the reportage, Semerdzhiev issued a number of electricity trade and production licences, including from renewable sources. For this, according to TV7, he bought from the owners (of the licences) luxury properties at prices several times lower than the market ones.
Regarding people's dissatisfaction, Energy Minister Delian Dobrev said on Monday on NTV that, if there are violations, proceedings will be launched for the annulment of EDCs' licences.
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Публикувана на 02/18/13 15:32 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224554_NRA+and+the+Prosecutor%27s+Office+start+inspections+of+the+property+status+of+Angel+Semerdzhiev
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