02/24/11 19:10
According to NRA, Tsvetan Tsvetanov is completely innocent

Borislav Mihaylov
No discrepancy was detected between the incomes and expenditures of Deputy PM and Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov and his wife, including acquisition of real estates, announced yesterday Chairman of NRA (National Revenue Agency, Krassimir Stefanov at the meeting of the Anti-Corruption, Conflict of Interests and Parliamentary Ethics Committee to the National Assembly.
Meanwhile, all attendees had the opportunity to receive a copy of the NRA's report exceeding overall 150 pages full of disclosed personal data of the Tsvetanov family. The tax inspection covers five years from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2009.
The provocation set in the report was the NRA conclusion that discrepancies were detected between the incomes received and expenses incurred by Mrs. Tsvetanova's parents. This fact lead to the automatic appointment of tax inspection of the parents of Dessislava Tsvetanova in order the tax base to be established and the payable taxes and interest to be calculated.
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Публикувана на 02/24/11 19:10 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/160413_According+to+NRA%2C+Tsvetan+Tsvetanov+is+completely+innocent
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