09/20/11 20:03
Yordan Lechkov sentenced to probation

Three years of imprisonment with a five-year probation period was ruled yesterday by the panel of the Yambol District Court for the Mayor of Sliven, Yordan Lechkov. The former distinguished player must pay BGN 671, 368 for damages incurred to the Sliven Municipality, as well as the accumulated interest rate on the amount and the due state charges and costs on the proceedings. The penalty was imposed after the Court found the defendant guilty of abuse of office pursuant to the Municipal Property Act and the Regulatory Ordinance for the Order of Acquisition, Management and Disposition with Municipal Property. The verdict of guilty will be subject to appeal to the Burgas Court of Appeal.
Currently, the case is viewed by the Yambol District Court, after all the judges of the Sliven District one filed their objections. According to the indictment, during the period August 2008 - February 2010, Yordan Lechkov serving as Sliven's Mayor leased the former air defence regiment and other smaller units now being owned by the Mayors Council without announcing a public tender or advertising an auction. As a result of these corrupt actions, the local mayor defrauded the Treasury of Sliven Municipality with BGN 670,000.
After the sentence was ruled, Yordan Lechkov stated to the media that he had not expected such a court decision and will appeal against it. According to him, there is no evidence that he has issued the document in order for the thesis of the indictment to be confirmed. In the words of the Sliven Mayor, the imposed penalty is a political act. He expressed his confidence that the next court of higher instance will exculpate him.
"Let us wait for the decision of the higher-instance courts," commented yesterday the parliamentary group (PG) of GERB. The party added that it refused to interfere in the proceedings of the independent judicial authority. At the upcoming elections for local executive power, Yordan Lechkov will stand as an independent candidate for Mayor of Sliven, supported by the PG GERB.
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Публикувана на 09/20/11 20:03 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/181446_Yordan+Lechkov+sentenced+to+probation
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