01/27/13 20:21
PM Boyko Borissov: I appreciate Stanishev’s show of common sense

Borissov added that the low turnout wasn’t a surprise for him. “It was what we expected,” was his concise comment on the small number of voters who went to the polls.
It was a pointless exercise, he also said, adding that the money spent on the organisation of this referendum could have been used in a more meaningful way. A vote on the ban for smoking in public places would have made a lot more sense, Borissov said.
There was no voting activity whatsoever in areas with predominantly Roma population, except for those, who were lured to the polls with the false promise for new electrometers and cancelled bills. “Big cities, especially in the South, where people can see the results of our Government’s efforts for infrastructure improvements for themselves, report the weakest turnout. I hope that the concept of energy efficiency will be applied with more care from now on. It is no coincidence that there is a stipulation in the Constitution giving the executive branch of the state the power to decide whether a new nuclear power plant should be built or not,” Borissov said. “I don’t want Stanishev’s resignation, let him stay. The guy was a lot of help, he’s sensible. By not putting his signature under the contract for Belene NPP as from 2006 to 2007, he actually did a lot of good. I just finished what he started. With this referendum Stanishev has once again proven himself as a responsible man,” Borissov said.
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Публикувана на 01/27/13 20:21 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/222690_PM+Boyko+Borissov%3A+I+appreciate+Stanishev%E2%80%99s+show+of+common+sense+
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