02/19/13 18:01
PM Boyko Borissov: Stanishev and Dogan will not make me resign

Borissov said his Government has done more in terms of public works than all its predecessors in the last 20 years. “Sofia has its underground, a sports arena, tens of renovated schools, ramps and parks because of our efforts. I can walk away with my head held high,” Borissov said. He explained the dismissal of Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Simeon Djankov with the latter’s failure to promote economic growth. “Simeon Djankov has done a lot to ensure fiscal discipline and stability. I was his only supporter within the party ranks,” Borissov said. “Djankov has played a crucial role in the Government and he is the reason the country is praised for its financial strictness” he added. ”Djankov’s interaction with the other ministers was far from easy,” Borissov admitted, saying that members of the Cabinet often turned to the Prime Minister when they wanted to talk to Djankov.
Borissov justified his decision to appoint Tomislav Donchev as Finance Minister with the 30-fold improvement of the EU funds usage ratio under Donchev’s supervision, his proven ability to put successful financial teams together and his impeccable image in Brussels.
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Публикувана на 02/19/13 18:01 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224658_PM+Boyko+Borissov%3A+Stanishev+and+Dogan+will+not+make+me+resign+
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